Monday, September 17, 2012

Company Competition #1 Fees Now Due

All Company dancers should have received email notification about Competition #1 Fees due tomorrow, 9/18/2012.  If you have not received notification, please contact the Staff at as soon as possible.  

Our first Competition will be hosted by Showbiz and held at Bridges Auditorium in Claremont this first weekend in February.  Our pricing is based upon the Showbiz & Primetime 2013 document (click on link to view price breakdown).  Please contact the Adage Staff if still have any questions.

Thank you.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Preventative Health Tips for the Fall!

The Fall season is upon us and now that everyone is back in school and and returning to classes at Adage, we'd like to ask all families to take preventative health cautions.  Some of the most common illness and cases that we see include the following:
  • Lice
  • Flu
  • Common Cold
  • Allergies/Asthma 
We strongly recommend a seasonal check-up with your family physician before your dancer catches "what's going around" at school; at least one parent has alerted us that a case of lice has been reported at their children's school.  As a preventative measure, please check your children for lice and treat accordingly if found.  For more information about treating lice, please visit: .

We also ask that families remind their children to practice smart health habits like consistent hand-washing, vitamin-enriched food and snacks, and properly covering mouth and nose when sneezing.

For more health tips for families, please visit the following links:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thunderstruck Master Workshop

Congratulations to Adage Dance Center who won "Top Studio" at Thunderstruck this past season; our studio was one of the two top highest scoring studios out of all our regional cities.  We have officially won an all expense paid for Thunderstuck Workshop that will come to us!

Two master teachers Tiffany Nagel and Andrew Knapp will be flown out to our city and host a workshop on September 8th for all Junior-Senior (ages 9+) ADC Company students.  Company Alumni are allowed to attend by invitation only.

To view the Workshop schedule, please click here.

Monday, September 3, 2012

"Music of the Night" Recital Pics and Videos Arriving

If you ordered a "package", then your photo will be placed online in the next few days for reorders! Only the groups that were edited for the packages will also be placed on line!  Video Order forms can be found online. Simply click on the teaser below, and it will take you to the orderform.

Adage Recital Video Teaser